Departmental Coordinators


Course Feedback Dates

Your Feedback Classroom Administration

Accessing Past Results



Departmental Coordinators FAQs

Students at Western have completed university-wide questionnaires since Fall 1996, and the distribution of the questionnaires and generated results are supported by the Faculty Collective Agreement. Results gathered from the questionnaires serves a variety of purposes:

  • Instructors can use the results to identify course and teaching strengths, build on effective practices, and improve other practices
  • Departments and Faculties can use the results for course and program development
  • Questionnaire results are combined with other information to form a teaching dossier. It is also used in Western's regular faculty review process, including Promotion and Tenure
  • Students may use questionnaire results when selecting their courses

The Your Feedback systems draws its information about instructor assignments and course end dates from PeopleSoft. Near the beginning of each term, you will be contacted by the Feedback Team from the Office of the Registrar, who will ask you to confirm that this information is correct. Please respond with any corrections that should be made.

If you have not been contacted by October 1st and February 1st in each academic term, please contact the Feedback Team directly.

Even though students will have access to their SQCTs for the duration of the course feedback period, instructors will still set aside 15 minutes of class time for students to complete the SQCT on their own devices. Research, as well as our own Your Feedback pilot in summer 2016, demonstrates that setting aside class time both reinforces the importance of the SQCT among students and improves response rates.

A full list of instructions and resources for individuals administering the questionnaires are found under the Your Feedback Classroom Administration page.

If a course has multiple instructors and at least one of those instructors wishes to have students complete the SQCT outside of the regular three-week course feedback period, the Your Feedback Departmental Coordinator should contact the Feedback Team from the Office of the Registrar.

As per senate policy, the course instructor must be absent from the room during SQCT administration.

Departmental Coordinators can continue to use the same personnel arrangements for SQCT end-of-course administration as they did with the paper versions. Some Departmental Coordinators prefer to do this themselves, while other departments have other longstanding arrangements using TAs or other individuals.

Yes, you should continue to schedule SQCT in-class administration using the system that has worked best for you in the past.

This short video provides a walkthrough of what students see when they complete their SQCT using Your Feedback. Step-by-step instructions and screen shots are also available on the Student How Your Feedback Works page.

While formatting may differ depending on the type of devices students use (e.g. smartphone, tablet, or laptop), all students will see the same information and undertake the same SQCT completion process.

Once the SQCT is completed, Your Feedback will display a successfully submitted message thanking the student and indicating that questionnaire data will be released to instructors and Deans after final grades are submitted (with the exception of comments for the instructor, which are sent only to the course instructor).

Yes, Departmental Coordinators are able to track instructor and departmental response rates. Please go to the "Your Feedback" tool on for a guide on tracking instructor and departmental response rates.

SQCT results are distributed directly and simultaneously to instructors and Deans. Departmental Coordinator roles in any further compilation or distribution of the results will be decided at the department or faculty level.

Currently, the Your Feedback system collects SQCT data from:

  • All main campus undergraduate courses, including Ivey Business School
  • Huron University College
  • King's University College
  • Bachelor of Education courses
  • Law (professional degree)
  • Graduate courses in programs that opted in to the Your Feedback system

Consistent with senate regulations, SQCT Results reports for courses with 5 or fewer responses are not sent to the instructor or Dean. An instructor for whom 3 or 4 students completed their SQCTs for a course may request a specialized report, the SQCT Minimal Response Report. This report only includes the SQCT ratings, not the instructor or course comments; the comments are suppressed to safeguard student anonymity, and is only available for SQCT results from the Winter 2018 term forward. The SQCT Minimal Response Report is only made available to the instructor of the course.

Your Feedback Departmental Coordinators do not have access to the Your Feedback system.

Rude words (e.g., profanity) are redacted and the comments with redacted words are reviewed to determine if the comments are also offensive (e.g., discriminatory, harassing), and removed if necessary. All other SQCT comments are released without review. If an instructor receives a comment that they believe is offensive and wishes to report that comment, they are asked to do so using the new SQCT Comment Review tool in the Faculty/Staff Extranet. If the comment raises concerns regarding faculty or student safety, Campus Police should be notified immediately.

Historically, offensive comments, such as those that violate the Student Code of Conduct (e.g., discriminatory, harassing, threatening), have been rare at Western.

As per the new Faculty Collective Agreement, means, standard deviations, and medians are no longer provided for student ratings in the SQCT Results Reports. Reports that include the means, standard deviations, and medians are available to individual faculty members by request from