Promotion and Giving Feedback
Western has a variety of approaches for encouraging students to complete their Student Questionnaires on Courses and Teaching. These include:
- Information about the Your Feedback system and the course feedback period is sent to students, instructors, and administrators before the feedback period opens
- A direct link to the Your Feedback system is sent to students when their questionnaires are available; two reminder emails are sent at regular intervals to students who have not completed their questionnaires
- Email are sent to faculty when their course questionnaire becomes available
- Email are sent to faculty asking them to check response rates during the course feedback period and consider ways in which they might wish to encourage student participation
to the Your Feedback system in OWL and Student Centre
- The information and resource website
- Information about Feedback is featured on the Western University, Student Center, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and Student Experience homepages during the course feedback period
- Departments and Faculties are also encouraged to include information on their web sites
Social Media
Announcements, videos, infographics, and writing effective feedback materials are circulated on Western and Student Council Twitter and Facebook pages
are displayed on campus and in residence and there are displays on campus-wide Visix screens
to student leaders via student trade shows, training sessions, the Academic Leadership Program, the University Students' Council, etc., throughout the academic year
to students in residences and first year students via floor meetings and programs such as the Western 10/10 program
Digital objects
such as web-banners, videos, infographics, and PowerPoints, are available for instructors, academic leaders, and student leaders to download and add to websites or circulate through social media